Tokyosnowlet: I am on a Short Vacation (Earned) From Work,,,,,,,Shining Star?

I am on a Short Vacation (Earned) From Work,,,,,,,Shining Star?

Vacation,,,Yep, I earned it (go figure) but it is a short and a working one (again, go figure) being my Bride and Daughter have a rather long list of chores for me.

This is not a problem for me as I am more than happy to do so but they are not, being when I wake. If you missed the point there, it is simple; they sleep in while I am a very early riser.

I usually laugh off the "QUIET DOWN" with "Hey, you wanted me to do this" and all is good. We all work together in this family and understand each other and our schedules but one thing is for certain; when I take a long weekend from work well NOISE is going to be heard at all hours of any given day.

So with that thought in mind I offer a musical  twist due to a common friend Amanofwonder (he has great taste in music) in the hope that you and he might enjoy,,,,,,,Y'all know the tune,,,,,,,

Am I a "Shining Star"? No. I am a working stiff and quite pleased about that. The shining stars around here are the Ladies! I am surrounded by my own  bright solar system that God has Blessed me with!

Folk's. the firework's are starting to crackle around my abode sending the dogs into crazy mode but signifying one thing, our Nation's Birth.and a celebration of it. Let us not fail that founding and those that gave it to us. No, lets be the shining star to give a fruitful nation onto those that follow us!

Treat each other well and God Bless!