Some may dismiss the idea of "rule five" which is their decision, but in my case in doing so it is my desire to celebrate women in general.
With the recent developments in NY I find it increasingly necessary to do so as well. (Nature should do this so I do not know why I even had to say that?)
Now is that not the face of one truly enjoying life?
While doing what should be the required research on any topic I found Ms. Hough to busy with a new film,,,
Tags: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
True, the film may not exactly be my cup of tea but 'ya gotta tip your hat too the gal for working at her career!
Note: In all honesty it is a ladies smile that always gets me which is why I lead with just that and is consistent throughout, a smile, and is my sincere wish that you take away from this the very same. Have a great Monday!