Tokyosnowlet: Porsche and Ferrari Crash at Japan Super GT 2011

Porsche and Ferrari Crash at Japan Super GT 2011

  • Two Exotic Crashes in Kuala Lumpur!
Having an exotic to crash is already quite a rare sight, and now we have one exotic crashing into another! Here, watch this video that was captured in the Sepang Circuit :

It might not be a major crash, but the sound of the crash made my jaw dropped. And LOL, typical Malaysians, we tend to get entertained by these kind of things, unfortunately.

Coincidently, my uncle was at the Super GT event, so he saw it. He manage to capture the image of the wrecked Porsche, but the owner of the Ferrari didn't allow photos of his wrecked Ferrari to be capture. So, all I could find on the internet was...

This. The Porsche Cayman S was quite badly hit while the Ferrari had a small one, which I am very sure tear the owner's wallet apart.

AND coincidently, I happened to visit the very well-known Naza at Petaling Jaya on the very same day late in the afternoon, at 4pm. So my family and I went to look at all the cars and stuff. As we were exiting from the place through the back gate, I spotted a wrecked Ferrari, so I stopped beside it (I was driving) and took a little photo of it.

And at night, we had a big gathering at Mid Valley to celebrate Father's Day in which the uncle that attended the event was joining too. Then, I showed him the photo, and he said it was the exact same one. LOL! So here you go, the photo.

The front was scratched up too. If you watched the video closely, the car hit the Ferrari California in front of it.


Anyway, speaking of accidents, I almost had mine today. As I was parking at my university, I reversed until the wheel hit the curb lightly, which indicated that my parking is already fine. So, I parked my car, got down, and I saw this...

Crap. Just a couple inches away from the tree. As if the dent (if you look at the bumper, the bottom part is dented. Some guy crashed my car while my father was driving it outstation.) wasn't enough. Lol.

Driver properly especially exotic car owners! Oh and one comment in Youtube was : Money don't buy brains.