Tokyosnowlet: The science is settled: US liberals really are the dumbest creatures on the planet

The science is settled: US liberals really are the dumbest creatures on the planet

The following excerpt of an article is from James Delingpole of The Telegraph (UK) and I found it quite interesting that those in the UK think and know what we conservatives in America have known for years, that liberals are truly bat-shit nuts.

It is not a very lengthy article so I encourage following the link but I have included the video Mr. Delingpole refers too below the fold so you can see just where his valid reason for the article is prompted (more on that below).

Today I am in New York on my publicity tour for Watermelons and as I sat at breakfast this morning, chomping on an Ess-a-bagel and reading Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics I found myself wondering – not for the first time – why it is that liberal-lefties manage to be so utterly wrong about everything.

“Because they’re stupid,” said a libertarian friend of mine.

“Oh come on, not all of them surely? A bit misguided, maybe but…” I protested.

“No really they’re stupid because they’re not interested in facts. They just want to construct their pretty little narrative about the world, regardless of whether or not it has any bearing on reality. And then they want to dump it on us. And ruin our lives. So not just stupid but evil too.”

Well, you know me: what a big-hearted, sensitive, caring, emollient kind of guy I am. I thought these words were harsh, really harsh. But that was before I saw this video. (Read more)

It helps our cause against insanity when liberals have access to cameras and microphones so that those across the pond and elsewhere can see what insanity looks and sounds like and the danger it presents to us and around the globe.

There is so much to tear apart in that small clip above it is difficult where one even begins to do so.

One thing about that clip and many others is that it showcases the complete propaganda machine known as the MSM which brings me to another point; we all have to stop referring to them as "mainstream" as certainly they are not.

I am not sure what the new terminology should be to refer to them (the media), but if they are mainstream then are we all not insane?