I have only spoken about this case on one blog and remained silent since. I will try too make this short as I am not inclined so-to-speak on it but,,,,,
I my opinion and experience the ENTIRE Anthony family is clinically insane and all are part and parcel involved in that young, very young, girls' death.
No I did not serve on that Jury so have no idea what they heard but I do not fault them. The reason for this is I have served as a Juror and as the Foreman of said body of Peers and what one hears in court is greatly different than what the media portrays.
I regress,
I mean to speak on the Anthony family and alike. In my past I have known of a family that the Anthony's remind me of exactly. Friend's, I extracted myself as soon as possible as soon as I reconsigned just how destructive they were,,to each other (leaving me aside).
Forget the verdict.
Turn to your right, turn to you left, have eyes behind your head, This is not at all limited to Florida, this shit is all around you be they arrested, convicted or released or not yet committed a crime,,they are right there in your neighborhood.
As to Casey, Well if one was to ask me,,GUILTY!