As the current financial "crisis" continues and all assume it will be avoided by August 2nd or there abouts our Nation will still suffer and suffocate under the current regime and this will not at all put confidence in business owners due to regulations put upon them.
All these new regulations really equate to hidden taxes or "unfunded mandates" on business and most informed folk's know full well what two major things happen when this occurs;
1) The business's of all sizes and industries pass on those higher taxes or cost of new "regulation's" to the consumer be it individuals or other business's and
2) When the cost of doing and or operating a business rise they cease to do any hiring of new worker's and most likely will begin a new round of layoff's.
Even if this so-called "crisis" is averted we will not be out of the wood's of a dangerous financial forest until we stop all the culprits such as Green Peace, Van Jones and Al Gore with his ilk from lobbying against American interest's and that is people working to support their families.
The following video from the Heritage Foundation contains links for more information if the viewer so chooses. At the 1:15 mark, pause the video and there are two active links to click on to learn more.