In not one word of the following 'report' do they mention this is Obamas, then Senator Obamas that is, "hometown". Nor do they mention that his former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is now the Mayor let alone his replacement in said CoS post is also from Chicago and family to the reckless and corrupted Daley dynasty.
No, the AP skipped all of that recent history but did a good job in illustrating what this current definition of 'change' means and the certain destruction left in their wake,,,,,,
We were told that all the stimulus; TARP, Bailouts, QE1 & 2, Obamcare, Shovel Ready, Recovery Summer I & 2, printing of worthless paper (dollars), green energy,,you name it,,by liberals, that these "programs" would create or save millions of jobs and yet we have unemployment @ 9.2% and growing.
Then of course the promise of a grand future by passing an INCREASE in how much the government can BORROW to pay for those "programs" already passed in congress and signed by shit-head Obama we could not afford to begin with.
Well, we all witnessed what that fucking shit brought didn't we, worldwide for that matter most notably in world markets.
All one has to do to see where all of this is going is to look at and study Chicago politics which is not that dissimilar to that of Moscow, Caracas, Havana or better yet Pyongyang to get a fucking clue!
Note to Chicagoland, cease and desist from exporting and recycling your garbage, it's toxic!
Damn, where was Cate O'Leary when we needed her?