What I present here is not of the usual nature found on CP but is somewhat related as it regards to world politics and the state of terrorism we all face today, but more specifically what I myself regard as poetry.
Some, knowing of my background might believe this presentation to be biased in that I have Irish heritage and there maybe some truth to that, but would remind those of that thought that my Irish heritage dates back to that of the Republic of Ireland, not the Northern Six Counties affiliated with and in the family of the United Kingdom. I myself see all Irish as just that, Irish, and was raised that way. Sure there is the religious institutional affiliation difference but Christianity in general, soil, a way with word's and what all of us share - blood - that is whats bond's us, all of us no matter where we hail from.
I digress.
Again, Maya Angelou 'can't touch this'.
[Note; For those unfamiliar with the Irish brogue,,listen a tad more intently]
May God Bless the fallen and injured and this Lass for keeping their memories alive.
Learn more about the 1998 Omagh Bombing