Tokyosnowlet: A Posthumous Happy Birthday to my U.S. Army Dad on This Day 8/8/2011

A Posthumous Happy Birthday to my U.S. Army Dad on This Day 8/8/2011

I was at work thinking on my Dad, his birthday and how much I missed him and then the radio station I was listening to played the following,,,,,,

If I were a lesser man I might have lost it right then and there when that played on the radio given my thoughts at the time but I was at work and that is not at all the way I was raised.

It is simple as I was taught, there is a time and place for everything so I decided this forum might be appropriate to give a shout-out (I pray Heaven has ears) to my Dad,,,,

Damn, I miss him! (Sorry, drying eye's,,,,)

No, my Dad was not a millionaire nor a stranger to me but that video and song reminds me much of the many good times we did have together.

What my father did give and leave with me though is priceless, integrity.

There are those that ask themseves in situation's "What would Jesus do"? I on the other hand ask myself "What would Dad do"? To those on the wrong side of civility I ask; Do you really want to know the answer?

God IS Great,
Beer IS Good,
People ARE Crazy

But hey Dad, I have many new friends who believe the very same and we are collectively called the 'Tea Party' and we mean to get rid of the third part of that chorus, God willing.

Thank you Dad for everything you imparted onto me and Happy Birthday!

"Three up, three down"

Please keep all of our Military in your prayers,,always!