Tokyosnowlet: To All; I Believe I am Back at Full Strength,,,,,Thank You!

To All; I Believe I am Back at Full Strength,,,,,Thank You!

I believe I owe all my blogging friend's an explanation as to why I have been somewhat hit or miss and or absent from commenting on your wonderful sites and posts.

Google awhile back had a problem and am sure most felt it where as some of us including myself could not log on to our own blogs. Well I just got that back. I have commented on a few to see if my smiling Leprechaun face showed up and thus far it has.

Needless to say I was very frustrated with Google about this! I was going to change the look of my blog anyhow but thought if I did during this dilemma it might change my status (signing in), but alas it did not.

During this 'brownout' I found I could not comment on many of your sites due to a rule on commenting on these sites of not being able to sign in under "Name" and this includes a site I am part of; Left Coast Resistance.

This situation created by Google did not prevent me from posting but it has been irregular due to a heavy work schedule (60-68 hours a week as of late) and I cannot thank all of you enough for sticking around and keeping up the good fight yourselves!

I sho down't fit dem dere deyscripshuns but halv sho dun payed my fer shcere uf dews in dis hur lyfe an' inten'in to kep on wurkin' 'ard!