"Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals.Read more
The children were trafficked by a secret network of doctors, nurses, priests and nuns in a widespread practice that began during General Franco’s dictatorship and continued until the early Nineties.
Hundreds of families who had babies taken from Spanish hospitals are now battling for an official government investigation into the scandal.
Several mothers say they were told their first-born children had died during or soon after they gave birth. "
This is the problem when religions of any belief become entangled with politics of any ideology in any one country. The two are are like oil and water as they do not mix. If and when they do both are corrupted and lives, many very real human lives are ruined. One need only to look at Islam to prove that and yet this abomination is revealed in the West.
The situation here in Spain is yet another example of the Church being, well completely fallible from the top down and in my humble opinion is in an unforgivable position yet again.
Yes, I am a Christian and said "unforgivable".
Before those who would attack me for my stance on this I would remind you first that we are all children and many including myself treasure our upbringing with our natural parents and would not trade that experience for the world.
Then there are those of us that are parents and some have actually and very unfortunately suffered (and I mean suffer) the loss of a child or children at birth.
Considering both of those facts I highly advise you think through what has happened here in this revelation in Spain should you wish to comment.
Please, again to those who might differ with me, do not attempt to say it was the socialist governments fault alone as the Church in Spain governed by the Vatican in Rome was completely complicit in this decades long abomination.
The Church, the last bastion of security for millions the world over, continues to be just the opposite.
I am a Christian, I am human and I am fallible but will die before I renounce Jesus Christ and His Father before Him or Their teachings which begs the question of just what the Church will do,,,next.
Exit question: Are we all Galileo now?