I ask that you please give the Professor a moment of your time,,,,,
I would like to add that I agree that Mr. Herman Cain is the only Conservative candidate to offer such a tax plan on the campaign trail, ever, at least in my lifetime of 47 years. Sure GW talked about Social Security but that was about an entitlement program (Ponzi scheme).
Now there are those tearing apart the Cain 999 plan and that of course is fair game. I myself might differ on some aspects of it. But the under-lying point here is we have to change the status quo as to taxing policy and Mr. Cain has started a very serious conversation about this topic and actually proposed a plan how to do so unlike his rivals.
It would be wise for all to remember as well that any legislation on any taxing policy must go through the House of Representatives first and then the Senate. These bills of course differ in both chambers with many, many changes from both. Should they agree to a compromise in a joint chamber bill, that does not mean a President Cain would even sign it if he sees as not meeting the goal(s) he set out to achieve which the Tea Party stands for.
Bottom line: 999 is a good starting point to real tax policy change this Nation needs, not only for growth, jobs in the private sector, shrink back government but more importantly have every American have some skin in the game.