Tokyosnowlet: Alarms


Alarms. Think on how most Americans react to alarms.

Take a car alarm for instance, what and how do most react when they here one? If it is not their car, given the sound proximity, it is most likely ignored. On the other hand if it is indeed your car you simply press a button and it turns off, it's just a malfunction or the neighbors cat dammit.

Lets go a tad larger shall we as in the case of a house alarm. Say per chance a neighbor's house alarm down the street goes off, one might peak out to see if anything is "going on" but only after being annoyed by the noise, and it not being "their problem" most likely turn back inside their home and kick the dog out of frustration (dog barking, but never, ever do that) due to the incessant noise. Ah, but if those same people while away had their home alarm go off and no one,,,,,,,? I believe you get my drift.

The two scenarios I cite (and I know anyone reading this can relate to having done or seen) have to do with conditioning as I see it.

I am a dog lover but all must see across this nation the danger of Pitt Bulls and yet we all hear of attacks and killings by Pitt Bulls, all the time. Do we listen? No.

There are alarm bells all around us; economy, theft, mob behavior,etc,, going off yet there are those who either ignore them willingly or by what I believe the mass majority of ignoramuses are conditioned by.(not you if you agree).

I am no psychologist by any means, just an observer of life as I see it based on my upbringing and my surrounding's be it around my neighborhood, state, country or that of the world and I am honestly bewildered at the lack of awareness by the general populous when all these alarms are going off at the same time?

Sure, we know of the education or lack thereof and the MSM propaganda but just when does reality set in for an individual or that of a nation as a whole?

I mean really, all one has to do is open their eyes and ears, live in reality that is, to know alarms are going off left and right at ever increasing amounts and decibels for that matter in every conceivable facet of American life be a threat to their religion, their children's future, their own future, jobs, purchasing power, the dollar, their home, their car, freedom of movement, speech, defense of all persecution most namely the 2nd Amendment and if that is not enough of a threat,,,islamofacist sharia advancement i.e. slavery.

I ask, just what will it take to have Americans listen to an alarm?

I will attempt to answer my own question, sadly,,,,