Tokyosnowlet: 2011 Iran Defense Week (Don't Ask and Definitely DON'T TELL,,,Too Late) - Wide Open Thread

2011 Iran Defense Week (Don't Ask and Definitely DON'T TELL,,,Too Late) - Wide Open Thread

Revolutionary Guard to be sure, question is just what kind of revolution or should I say revelation?

Iranian Militant Wannabe Albino Drag Queens on Parade (and you thought we had a problem?)

Iran Military Forces Parade During Iran's Defense Week

Iranian soldiers march during the annual military parade on September 22, 2011 in front of the mausoleum of the Iran's late leader Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran,Iran. The parade marks the beginning of the 1980-1988 war between Iran and Iraq. UPI/Maryam Rahmanian

 H/T Fark

Ole' Slick Willy wants more credit? So be it, I liked his policy of "Don't ask, don't tell" and think the Persians might follow suit albeit with a stricter dress code. The photo above shows it may be too late but I am sure a tyrant such as Ahmadinejad can quickly crush this movement that "does not exist" in Iran.