"If you turn Herman Cain's "9-9-9" plan upside down it becomes 6-6-6"
Who wrote that for her, Cornel West?
This does not bode well for her at all and if people were wondering about who was advising Newt I think we now know what camp they went to with that line.
There is nothing wrong with disagreeing on economic issues but certainly it should be done on an adult level.
In addition along those lines, it should be constrained to the issue at hand with an opposing proposition and not sound like someone wearing a tinfoil hat!
With that line she just gave an open invitation to the Christian-hating left to open-fire,,,on BOTH OF THEM!
WTF was she thinking? (Rhetorical question, she was not)
If she wishes to speak as a member of the "Tea Party Caucus", by God get her new advisor's!
Oh and Huntsman, stupid and a cheap shot as well but then again what do you expect from one who worked for Obama.