I know I myself will pull for the eventual nominee of the GOP but God willing it will be this MAN,,,,,
Oh, and apparently Romney would seem to imply he agrees with me,,,
The difference between the two is huge and I am not referring to race.
Cain is a self-made success,,nuff said,,, while Romney rode and is still riding the coattails of his dad, George Romney, a career politician within the republican party with connections lasting throughout the GOP to this very day.
If you want to change the GOP on a real grassroots American effort (Tea Party) to bring it back to it's founding based on the Constitution then I suggest Mr. Herman Cain.
If you like the status quo, party be damned, well you are a lost cause and deserve,,,well what we have now, and that brings with it a wrath that has not be seen on this landscape called the United States since the Civil War.
By the by, the liberals lost that one as well.